# Setting Resource

# Properties

# Meanings of Setting keys

The table below shows the meanings of the keys returned by the API:

Key Meaning
stockfilter_default List only products in stock. Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
stock_countdown Ways to display inventory. Values:
1 - Traditional (Preview: x pieces in stock)
2 - Countdown (Preview: Last x pieces)
config_stock_status_id Stock status identifier if both stocks of the product are zero
config_instock_status_id Inventory status ID if both inventory levels of the product are greater than zero
config_stock_count Number of warehouses to be managed. Maximum value: 4
config_wh2_stock_status_id Inventory status identifier for warehouse 1
config_wh3_stock_status_id Inventory status identifier for warehouse 2
config_wh4_stock_status_id Inventory status identifier for warehouse 3
config_wh5_stock_status_id Inventory status identifier for warehouse 4
config_disable_addtocart_no_quantity In the case of 0 warehouses, the ADD TO CART button is disabled. Meaning: If the product is not in stock, do not add it to the cart. Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
config_request_quantity_notify Enable notification request for 0 warehouses. Meaning: If the product is not in stock, the visitor can request a notification about the stock change. Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
prior_quantity Primary stock
show_children_in_stock Show a child product if the parent is out of stock. If the parent product is not in stock, and there is a child product that is, it is shown instead of the parent. Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
filter_all_childen Show all children's products. It controls the display of the category list page, it has no effect on the operation of the filter. Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
config_stock_display_list Show stock on listing page. Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
stock_countdown_limit The stock is displayed for values smaller than this quantity
stock_countdown_force The inventory countdown is displayed regardless of the inventory status. When activated, the countdown is displayed even if the display of stock display on the product page, listing pages or modules is set to no. Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
config_owner The name of the shop owner
config_telephone The phone number of the shop owner
config_address The address of the shop owner
config_email Contact e-mail address, where messages written in the contact menu will be received
config_language The ISO code of the store's language is e.g. hu
config_timezone Store time zone
config_currency The currency used by the store, for example: HUF
config_tax_class_id Tax Class Resource ID of the VAT key used by the store
config_maintenance The status of the maintenance page. Values:
0 - Maintenance page off.
1 - Maintenance page on.
cart_ajax Add to cart method. Its values:
0 - Normal (the user jumps to the cart)
1 - AJAX (the user stays on the page)
4 - Pop-up window
config_customer_group_id After registration, the user will be placed in the customer group with this Customer Group Resource ID
config_image_product_width Width of product images displayed on the category page and in product modules
config_image_product_height Height of product images displayed on the category page and in product modules
config_catalog_limit Number of products displayed per catalog page
config_template The name of the template used by the store is e.g.: tokyo_blue, korfu_global
config_sort The default sorting method for Category Pages. Values:
p.sort_order|ASC - Default
pd.name|ASC - Name, A - Z
pd.name|DESC - Name, Z - A
m .name|ASC - Manufacturer, A - Z
m.name|DESC - Manufacturer, Z - A
p.price|ASC - Price, low > high
p.price& #124;DESC - Price, high > low
rating|DESC - Rating, best
p.date_available|DESC - Availability, latest
config_sort_options The selected sorting methods for category pages. The values are an array containing keys from config_sort
sort_by_price_offer_request_position In the case of sorting by price, the position of products with a request for quotation on the category page. Its values:
start - At the beginning of the list
end - At the end of the list
config_customer_price Hide product prices. Only logged in customers can see the price. Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
config_display_mode How to display the price on the product page. Values:
1 - Only the gross price is written
2 - Gross price, followed by the net + VAT in parentheses
3 - Only the net price is written
4 - The net price followed by the + VAT listing
5 - Listing the net price and +VAT behind it, and listing the gross price in brackets
list_price_display_mode How to display the price on the category page. Values:
1 - Only the gross price is written
2 - Gross price, followed by the net + VAT in parentheses
3 - Only the net price is written
4 - The net price followed by the + VAT listing
5 - Listing the net price and +VAT behind it, and listing the gross price in brackets
module_price_display_mode How to display the price on the module product card. Values:
1 - Only the gross price is written
2 - Gross price, followed by the net + VAT in parentheses
3 - Only the net price is written
4 - The net price followed by the + VAT listing
5 - Listing the net price and +VAT behind it, and listing the gross price in brackets
config_special_original_list For sale prices, display the original price on the listing pages. Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
config_special_original_search Display the original price for the sale price in the search suggestions. Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
config_price_tag Price listing method in the case of a parent-child relationship. Its values:
0 - Display the price of the parent product
1 - Display the price of the lowest product + with the suffix "from"
fictive_parent Behavior of parent products as fictitious parents. Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
search_description Does the search engine search in product descriptions by default? Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
search_subcategory By default, the search engine also searches subcategories. Its values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
storno_order_status_id The status ID of the canceled order
product_url_without_category Building category page URLs. Values:
0 - Full access street
1 - Product page only
config_badge_max The maximum number of stickers that can be displayed on product cards
config_badge_orientation Display order of stickers: Top-down (vertical) v. left-right (horizontal)
config_display_quantity_in_category On the category page, display the quantity field in the shopping cart. Its values:
0 - No,
1 - Yes
config_display_quantity_name Unit of measurement appears on the product page after the input field. Values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
config_mobile_simple_snapshot Simplified mobile product card. Values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
config_number_of_columns_in_category_page Number of products per row on category page in desktop view. Values:
3 - Three products per row on category page (desktop)
4 - Four products per row on category page (desktop)
5 - Five products per row on category page (desktop)
config_number_of_columns_in_category_page_in_mobile Number of products per row on category page in mobile view. Values:
1 - One products per row on category page (mobile)
2 - Two products per row on category page (mobile)
config_search_dropdown Enable dropdown search module. Values:
0 - No
1 - Yes
feature_switch_libvips Automatic serving of WebP images. Values:
0 - No
1 - Yes

# Endpoints

© 2011 - 2023 Shoprenter Kft.
Last Updated: 11.11.2019